Tuesday, January 3, 2012


This Christmas, I aimed for more homemade presents for our families. I knew it would save money and fulfill a creative outlet for me, but, most important, it gave me time as I worked on the projects to just think on the people in our life. To put my hands to work and let my heart reflect on how grateful I am. Here is a picture of some homemade felt cookies. I didn't come up with the idea for these - I totally copied from MADE. You should go check out Dana from MADE's link there that I included. She is amazing and one of my favorite sewing/life bloggers. Don't forget to come back... :)

The kids have loved putting them on little cookie sheets and "charging" me after I've placed my order. $10 for a chocolate chip cookie. Yes, seriously. Lest you think they don't know what they're doing, I would call McBaby #1 a shrewd entrepreneur who must know the sign of the times for Hamilton County. I think people would pay it for a from-scratch-all-organic-gluten-free-locally-grown-sustainably-based-morsel.

The power of things homemade has certainly been on my radar more over the past few years as I am daily making a home. Over the advent season, I had the great privilege of playing 16 concerts. It was very busy, but very rewarding. There was one first for me in terms of performing when I played at an international event where probably over half of the audience members didn't speak English - or much English. I have to admit that it was particularly thrilling and moving for me to sing my song "We are all the Same" in this context. I met a woman who was telling me that she remembers the Koran and can quote entire portions because her parents read its words to her daily. She can speak the aged Arabic and retell lengthy sections, but couldn't tell you meaning or even speak much of her native language that she learned as a child.

This stuck with me as I ponder daily what pie I'm throwing on the wall is actually sticking. For better or worse! What happens at a young age for a child will last. I recognize my role joyfully and with great weight in our day to day tasks - whether that's at our house or on the go. I am so thankful to be with my children daily where they are being homemade. Made into who they will be straight from the love of a home. The care of a home. The creativity of a home.

I'd love to post more pics of things we've made this holiday season. Hopefully soon! So, do you have some things you've made this season... or are hoping to?


  1. I am loving that you are posting more on your blog! I also love your hand made items!!! I didn't really make many gifts this year, but I am super excited to make some super hero capes for all of the boys in the next year or two! :)


  2. Thanks Kelly! I bought everything to make capes for Valentine's Day too. If you want to do this sooner, let me know and we can schedule a project night!!
